Bulk billed services are very hard to find amongst doctors. And bulk billed physio is even rarer for physio (and OT)! Well no more, as AAC Health has a ZERO out of pocket expense physio and OT option. Alwyn Blayse, CEO and Principal Physiotherapist of AAC explains the bulk billed physio concept. “Bulk billed physio is like a unicorn! Very very hard to find these days! However AAC have found the unicorn, and its name like our mascot unicorn,is “Bec” – our new bulk billed physio and OT service I’m delighted to announce we have rolled out in all our regions in QLD, and via telehealth elsewhere. Its already started and working well in many of teh regions we work”.

AAC health Group have always worked in regional areas, where many of our clients are on pensions, and are financially disadvantaged, if they don’t have funding through other sources like DVA, Workcover, NDIS, or private health. We’ve always subsidised Chronic Disease Management (EPC) Medicare Care plans, with an out of pocket cost of $10 because we are huge believers in the benefit of multidisciplinary care from a doctor and allied health to improve health outcomes like reducing falls, and hospital admissions.
Alwyn explains “We kept our Medicare gap fee of out of pocket expense for clients referred via their GP for Chronic Disease Management the same price of $10 for 13 years. We were forced to rise though in 2022 due to higher wages, travel costs, and prices from NDIS, workcover that were much higher than Medicare rebates.
However this still caused difficulty for clients we care about. I wrote to all our clients about the price rise, and kept the $10 gap for financially disadvantaged clients where the doctor or referrer confirms this. We also said we’d do our best to work on a solution with government. We haven’t seen action quick enough on this, or the aged care issue we are separately lobbying on (www.bringbacknursesandphysios.com.au) , and we also saw unfortunately a decrease in the number of clients coming with Medicare Care plans.
So we looked at this issue again ourselves. We came up with a solution, thanks to our wonderful team who have been getting on the ground feedback about our services, including the difficulties of affording even $10 when a client has limited means. $10 might not seem a lot to others, but there isn’t much left over after inflation and rent increases especially. AAC are happy to do our part, as part of communities, and offer a solution.”
The solution, is part of our “Bec” model (Better Elder Care for over 65s, and Better Evidenced Care for under 65s) , that was the first solution provided for clients in nursing homes to still access physio and Ot after the aged care funding reforms October 1st 2022.
“Bec” no gap Physio and OT consultations
We now offer short consultations (20 minutes) bulk billed for ALL medicare care plans (chronic disease management plan) referrals from a GP that we see in clinics, or nursing homes.
We also offer a NO gap private health fund option (as long as you have remaining funding for physio or OT. Simply contact your health fund and find out how much they rebate for physio and OT, let us know the rebate and you can have sessions without a gap as well!
We also offer without charge for community based clients over 65s to refer (if clinically appropriate) clients to my aged care for further assessment and treatment that may be possible then through CHSP (community home support program) or a Home Care package. This may then enable a client to have further physiotherapy or occupational therapy services provided by a registered provider who subcontracts AAC Health Group or another physio/OT provider.
Alwyn explains the “Bec” no gap service further “A client can still choose a standard session, or a complex session as well that does incur a gap fee. However this option will mean that someone in a nursing home, clinic, or online, won’t pay anything out of pocket, and access high quality, evidence based physio and OT from an experienced therapist. We are delighted to offer this new service to help our clients in difficult times.”
To find out more about our service you can contact privatepractice@aachealthgroup.com.au or TEXT your name and suburb through to us on 0426 307 480. You can also book with our team online under locations and select this option. Act fast, to avoid disappointmnet. We can only schedule NO GAP bulk billed physio and OT services where we have time available for our therapists, and we expect high demand for this service.
Please note No gap treatments may mean the therapist has less time to cover multiple areas and conditions. If you feel you need longer, and cannot afford a gap, please discuss with us prior to booking
No gap bulk billed physio and OT does not apply for home visits, or clinics/areas we do not routinely visit.
Requires a current Medicare Chronic disease management care plan from GP via medicare, and this needs to be clinically appropriate and suitable for your needs, not simply a means to have physio and OT for free.
Medicare Chronic Disease Management care plans are for complex medical conditions like arthritis, diabetes that have been present (or are likely to be present) for 6 months or more.
AAC Health Group are an ethical, evidence based practice, that believes in honestly meeting requirements of our referrers and organisations and government that pay for services.
For more information on the requirements of chronic disease management plans for clients head to this information from Medicare or call 132 011. You can also call us on 1300 574 462 or email privatepractice@aachealthgroup.com.au to discuss more.
GPs for information from Medicare go here or call 132 150. You can also discuss the requirements of this program by contacting either our Administration Manager, or Clinical Line Manager via privatepractice@aachealthgroup.com.au or calling 1300 574 462
For nursing home residents, its important that the provider and resident are not charged medicare care plans if this is a treatment that the nursing home should provide and pay for. Nursing homes are obligated under the Aged Care act and Aged Care Quality Standards to provide treatments without passing on cost for clinically indicated items, admission, post hospital etc. For more info from Department of Health go here . Generally, and please seek your own advice, for nursing home residents conditions more than 21 days since occurred, may be eligible for “Bec” no gap treatments.
For a “Bec” bulk billed physio or OT session contact 1300 574 462 or TEXT name and suburb to 0418 392 971 or email privatepractice@aachealthgroup.com.au. You can also book online under locations. Act fast, as we only schedule “Bec” sessions when therapists available